While breastfeeding, when did your cycle return?

Did you milk it for all it was worth? (breastfed or pumped)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

surely there are more than a few...

mothers still BF that read this blog!

August 1st kicked off World Breastfeeding Week--For our Virtual Nurse-a-thon,email me your hours of BF (or pumping) for each day from August 1 thru August 7--and the winner will get a Mommy Knows Breast t-shirt. Good Luck!
I'll post the total number of hours at the end of the day August 7th! Go Mommy Milk!

Someone thought I might clarify how to email me with your hours of BF...(great question)
Just post a comment below--my comments are moderated, so I won't post it on the blog, I'll just keep track and then post the TOTAL of EVERYONE at the end of the week.

Note any BF in public hours--they'll count double!

Come on...don't you want a free t-shirt!?!

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